Viva Cuba!!!


Looks like Americans will soon be able to travel “legally” to our nearby neighbor Cuba—just 90 miles south of Miami.

Creative American travelers for years have been able to travel to Cuba—via intermediate stops in Mexico, Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Canada and other international locations. A simple official-looking loose extra page is added into your passport and off you go. A couple of US carriers, JetBlue Airwaysfor instance, have been taking US travelers to Cuba for years—their hook is they are offering an “educational tour or experience” and that qualifies for a travel exemption. Now other travel entities like U.S. Carriers, cruise ships, hotel chains and tour operators are lined up once the approval is granted.

But beware if you expect any type of luxury or special services—the hospitality is there from the residents, but not so with the services available. Travel as an explorer and you’ll be fine. If expectations are higher, than stay home and book a suite at the Four Seasons.
