
TSA To Get Ultra High Tech Screening

November 14, 2018: The new technology will provide TSA the capability to screen multiple airport passengers from up to 25 feet away.  The idea is too speed up the security line process, long lines and frustration due to the growing demand for travel and larger planes.  Lets hope the “potentially” new system doesn’t add more frustration to both travelers and TSA!!!

Virgin Launches Floating Tat Parlor

November 13, 2018: Virgin Voyages announced recently that their first cruise ship, Scarlet Lady, will include an onboard tattoo parlor called “Squid Ink.”  The cruising tat lounge will feature vegan ink and body piercings — for those health enthusiasts — lets hope the ships captain holds a steady course.

JAL Pilot Has One “Pop” Too Many

November 9, 2018: A JAL co-pilot was arrested by British Police at Heathrow Airport before departure of his flight to Tokyo — seems he was found to have more than TEN TIMES (10x) the legal limit of alcohol — a tram bus driver noticed the boozy smell when he was driving the flight crew to board to plane.  That’s really over doing “just one more” drink before hitting the road — or runway!!!

Surprise Trip for Tipsy AA Bag Handler

November 8, 2018: An American Airlines baggage handler, loading bags into a 737 jet leaving Kansas City, took a boozy break and nap inside the jets cargo hold — when he woke up he was in Chicago. Good thing the jets cargo hold area is heated and pressurized or the landing outcome might have been different!  Wonder how often that happens?

New Airline Launches in the Golden State

November 6, 2018: Yup — California Pacific Airlines recently took flight from their new “hub” in greater Carlsbad — with small jet service to San Jose and Reno —  pending service to include Vegas and Phoenix-Mesa Airport.  The airline is run and funded by a local 97-year-old golf course and resort developer — not sure why anyone these days might think the airline business could be easy, fun and profitable?


Airports Now Paying More Attention to Keeping Bathrooms Clean

November 5, 2018: Well, thats what they say anyway!  Airports seem to now be concerned with offering cleaner bathrooms and are using electronic means to monitor cleanliness — seven airports around the country, including LAX on the west coast, are using something called “Trax” to monitor restroom customer traffic and alert maintenance when a clean up is needed — usually after 300 people have “done their business.” According to Trax, the dirtiest bathrooms in airports are those nearest departure and arrival gates.  Next airport challenge may be “where to find public water fountains?”

Buy Holiday Travel now Now NOW!

November 1, 2018: Trying to “game” the holiday ticket buying travel season can be a full time challenge. The average Thanksgiving flight will change prices over 100 times between now and the holiday. Save money and fly on Thanksgiving Day if you can, and Friday, December 21, the most expensive day to fly for Christmas.  The only “secret” here is too keep checking — especially late at night and after midnight!