
Beware of RyanAir This Summer When Traveling in Europe

August 17, 2018: Europe’s leading low cost air carrier has been experiencing major pilot issues — and the fly boys and girls aren’t happy — and are staging unannounced walkouts around the RYANAIR system.  RYANAIR is also trying to beat high labor costs at their Dublin, Ireland, home base by shipping pilots off to base in Poland — home of their popular charter operations.  Expect the unexpected this summer when flying RYANAIR!!!

Wine Country in a Pickle?

August 16, 2018: Northern California Sonoma Wine Country, trying new ways to attract visitors, is looking to “pickles” to enhance visitor experiences — well known McVicker Pickles of San Francisco — is coming to Healdsburg to entertain visitors with a class on “how to prepare preserved foods” including garlic-pepper hot sauce, plum chutney and of course show folks how to “pickle pickles” — and not oneself with too much wine!!!  Not to be missed?