WOW OH WOW — Here’s What the President of JetBlue is Saying ……

About the new “normal” for air travelers: Don’t be surprised if you now have to get to the airport a minimum of 4 HOURS prior to flight time — to do battle with airport and airline requirements that include a couple of stops for health checks (temperature etc.); your first stop may be a clearance to even enter airport terminals; no more airline airport lounges for the time being (too crowded and cramped); as many as 3 separate stops to take your temperature (entering the terminal, ticket counter, TSA security clearance and boarding gate); no onboard luggage bags of any size; and the possibility of another health and temperature check prior to seating onboard flights. And maybe for the time being, if food is being served it will be out of a pre-sealed paper bag!!  What’s happened to the once glamours world of air travel?