July 12, 2016: Used to be that TSA pre check was a neat deal for a few randomly selected travelers — the initial idea being travelers would like the expedited security lanes and search and pay a fee for the service. It seems Pre Check did just the opposite and created even longer lines. TSA says it can process 150 passengers an hour in standard lanes and up 300 an hour in Pre Check lanes. Permanent TSA Pre Check and Global Entry for international travelers require a lengthly application and interview, usually at an airport or off site hard to find location. Some appointments require a 45 day or longer wait time — and appointments can run hours late — add to that long clerical delays slow distribution for ID’s. Once enrolled in either program, you’re good for 5 years — Pre Check one time fee is $85 and Global Entry $100. TSA’s goal is to have 25 million travelers in enrolled in both programs. Current membership is around 10 million. Not sure the inconsistent Pre and Global are worth the investment?