Bring back the “Romance” in Flying?

September 2, 2015: Well, certainly not today in the air — where standards and passenger care-comfort have slipped to all time lows.

But, if you want a view of what once was called “the golden age” of air travel, pick up a copy of “Airline Visual Identify” and enjoy a showcase of 100’s of airline posters from 1945-1975. This includes the beginning of the jet age, the Concorde, and Boeing’s first passenger jets up to the 747 — still the best and most comfortable long haul jet in the sky. Domestic and international carriers are featured in this 430 page visual trek with more than 400 really cool images. These were the days when airlines focused on image and customer care — shamefully not very evident these days!!!Airline_Umschlag_Bild_neu.indd

Gogo Inflight WiFi Goes Berserk with Higher Price!

August 30, 2015: Gogo, the self proclaimed leader in providing in flight WiFi for passenger aircraft has taken some big steps recently to increase prices — from around $10 or $12 a flight to more than $50 on some routes! WOW!

They claim the business traveler, who lives most weekdays on his travel expense account, doesn’t care what the cost is just as long as he can pass the expense on to his employer. They also price based on routes — longerthe flight the higher the prices. And their other response to higher prices is “they only have so much capacity available at any time” so you “pay to play” or be online.

They do have options for a day pass for around $16 and a monthly pass for $50 — the catch is you need to book and buy these in advance of your flight. Some of Gogo’s competitors feel that around $9 a flight is good — and some airlines still offer the service for free. The Curmudgeon says “just add it into the cost of my ticket” — well that is once you lower ticket prices and give us back some of the ticket tax money no longer being collected by the federal government — as well as money you all are saving on much lower fuel costs these days!!!


Delta “We Got Ego!”

August 27, 2015: Hats off to our friends at Delta this week for running full page ads “boasting” their record breaking summer and moving more than 600,000 passengers in one day!

If you read the copy closely, the boast was for their domestic service where they claim that 97.7% of their flights took off — but they don’t connect that with them taking off on time?

The add continues “Our employees hard work is evidence of the strength of Delta’s culture etc. etc etc” Basically patting themselves on the backside for doing what they are supposed to be doing
for the high prices we pay these days for cramped, over crowded and unfriendly air travel. Why don’t they put some of that boastful advertising money into improving their service — both on the ground and in the air — and getting back to some of the basics that made air travel enjoyable?

Maybe I should shake hands today the bag person at my local supermarket and thank him too!!!


US Air System Takes The Weekend Off?

August 19, 2015: A “glitch” (fancy non-meaningful “we’re not responsible” government comment) in an automated flight routing system on the east coast resulted in lengthy delays and flight cancelations throughout the country over the weekend — one of the busier end of summer times for flying. The FAA did identify the culprit as a flight routing system in Virginia that “glitched” and resulted in hundreds of flights not leaving on time, some not leaving at all and the ripple effect throughout the US that left thousands stranded from coast to coast. Looks like most flying was back to normal on Monday. Hopefully this just adds to the concern of how outdated the US air traffic control system is and brings forward the extensive delays in upgrading equipment around the country — taxes we all pay on each and every ticket go to help the government upgrade the system — well, maybe are intended that way anyway?


Congratulations Spirit Airlines—America’s Least On Time Airline!

August 16, 2015: Once again, we charge for everything but being late, America’s least favorite air carrier, Spirit Airlines, has the distinction of being at the top of the list (or bottom depending on your reference point) as the country’s least on time passenger carrier—less than 50% of all their flights arrive anywhere they serve on time!! This accomplishment from Spirit was for the month of June— and was the worst overall rating for any U.S. Air carrier in nearly 40 years. Even on their worst days, Southwest and Fudrucker Air do a better job. Now some of you must remember legendary Fudrucker?


Fun Camps – For Adults?

August 7, 2015: Pack yourself or another adult (leave the kids at home if you own any) — and head off to fun and challenging camp vacation.

At the Skipper Academy ( for about a $1000 a day enjoy sailing lessons and fun in either Croatia or the British Virgin Islands. The lessons not only include sailing but crew management and social skills — along with docking your craft to pick up supplies.

At the Salamander Resort & Spa ( in Middleburg, Va. riders of all levels travel to this horse country retreat to enhance their riding skills and experience — including equine communication? For those not into riding, check out zip-lining, biking, swimming, golf and cooking classes. And for the more adventurous, join in viewing the twilight polo matches.

Like writing and Italy? Then head to Writing Vacations ( journey off to a villa in Positano, Italy. Italian Villa classroom — i like that idea.

And if chocolate is your thing, its L’Ecole Valrhona Chocolate in Brooklyn ( for a day long session in making chocolate. Chocolate creations with an upscale twist that could include roasted peanuts, Snicker Bars and potato chips!

Nice to know adults can have fun and even learn something at camps!

Timely — What took the US Carriers So Long to Implement This?

August 5, 2015: Finally seeing their way to join the publicity out cry and bandwagon, the 3 major US carriers have finally banned transport of dead African wildlife on their planes — by the way, most foreign carriers did this years ago!

Lead by Delta, United and American, these carriers will no longer transport “shot for fun and trophy” wildlife — including lions, leopard, rhino, buffalo, elephant — this won’t stop wildlife hunters from hunting but maybe slow them down some?

Rest in peace Cecil!


World Airlines Continue to Rip Off Passengers?

August 3, 2015: Yes — with all those add on fees (like checked luggage, seat assignments, printing a boarding pass, etc.) — with the 10 top carriers bringing in over $38 Billion in add on fees!

Here’s the top 10 fee culprits:

US Air (not part of American)
Air FranceKLM
Southwest Airlines
easyJet (i.e. Not so Easy easyJet)
Alaska Airlines

Maybe it’s time for an all out passenger campaign to end and or reduce some of these fees? Lets start with a “virtual” effort that includes emails, twitter, Facebook comments, etc. to get their attention?


Move Over Abu Dhabi and Dubai, World’s Biggest Swimming Pool Floats in South America!

July 30, 2015: Check out what is now the “worlds largest swimming pool” on the west coast of Chile.

The filtered salt water pool is nearly 6/10th of a mile long and holds over 66 million galloons of water — thats enough water to fill over 600 backyard pools.

The sun serves as the water heater keeping the temperature at 80 degrees or above — just waiting for some “joker” to add a baby shark or gator?