April 28, 2016: Carnival caused quite the stir in the Miami Cuban community by initially saying that it will not allow Cuban-born passengers on their Havana cruises (due to Cuban travel restrictions). However, the world’s largest cruise ship company has since reversed its position and says it will welcome cuban expatriates. After Carnival threatened to delay their cruises, the Castro government was quick to lift the ban to “normalize relations between Cuba and the US,” but will it really be that easy for Cuban expats to travel back to their country?
Category: Uncategorized
Oh Where, Oh Where is Inky?
April 27, 2016: Inky, an octopus who was residing happy and comfortably (well handlers thought that any way) in a New Zealand aquarium staged a successful break from his tank into the aquarium drain — and then into the ocean. Inky, the size of a New Zealand soccer ball, made his way out of the tank and “slinked” nearly 8 feet into a nearby drain. Marine biologists note that octopus are well documented escape artists — sad to note that Inky did not leave a note explaining his run to freedom!
Travel Feature Tuesday: Tubby Travelers
April 26, 2016: If you’re feeling tired and sluggish from a long vacation, like something is weighing you down, it might be the few extra pounds that come from indulging on your destination’s delicious culture. According to a 2014 report from Extended Stay America, 86% of travelers gain up to 3 pounds on a trip longer than 2 weeks. Makes sense, considering trying the local delicacies is all part of the experience. However, our consumer advocate, and TC friend, Christopher Elliot know’s some healthy habits to keep off the pounds while traveling.
More on the Alaska Take Over of Virgin America
April 25, 2016: Concern growing from loyal Virgin flyers that Alaska will change Virgin’s popular customer service philosophy and “unique passenger verve” (as the New York Times put it) that gave the carrier so much distinction in the current airline world of follow me! Alaska really doesn’t answer the question — or at this point even know — what changes they will make. The TC’s bet is “anticipate changes” and be surprised if they don’t. One loyal Virgin flyer put it best when they said “Alaska Air — learn to fly like a Virgin!”
Charlie Brown and Linus Welcome at STS
April 23, 2016: Charles Schultz Sonoma County Airport (STS) — the best small city airport in North America according to the Travel Curmudgeon. Sonoma County was for many years Shultz and Snoopy’s back yard and the airport — and major carrier Horizon — feature a collection of Schultz characters throughout the “central terminal” and airport grounds. You’re a good man — and airport — Charlie Brown — only thing missing is a kite hanging from a tree!

American Airlines Offers Tips For a Fit and Comfy Flight
April 22, 2016: Here’s what American says will help when you fly:
- Dress comfy and drink lots of water to stay hydrated
- If you have breathing issues — including heart or lung disease — check with your doctor first.
- For flights six hours or longer, wear compression socks to help prevent clotting — and again, check with your doctor as compression socks vary by size, weight and any medical conditions — Amazon is a good resource but know exactly what compression value you require.
- In flight, airlines lower humidity, keep drinking water and use eye drops.
- Get up and move around from time to time — and do simple feet, leg and stretching exercises when seated. (move your ankle in circles, do leg and foot pumps, knee lifts, and if you have enough seat room, knee to chest lifts). Pay no attention to your seat mate — he already thinks your crazy doing all this.
Now, it this all doesn’t scare you, enjoy your flight!
Note: Deep Vain thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that develops in a deep vein, usually your leg. It can travel through the blood stream to vital organs and cause damage and or death. Most DVT’s don’t produce symptoms — but could include pain or swelling, redness of the affected area.
San Francisco Most Expensive Business Destination in the US
April 21, 2016: Congratulations to the City by the Bay — once again singled out by Business Travel News as the most expensive US destination for business travelers — 24.6 million visitors in 2015 paid an average of $547 a day to enjoy and or work in the city. Figure your daily hotel rate in SF at $370 a night.
And here’s a shocker — fastest increase in daily hotel rates is Detroit — the booming US auto industry is paying off the city again.
Rock and Roll Landing for Small UAL Commuter Jet in Oklahoma City
April 20, 2016: You think you’ve experienced a rough landing — take a look at this clip from a recent United Express Jet landing in Oklahoma City — the first 30 seconds a little slow but then hold on!
Travel Feature Tuesday: Earning Miles at Home
April 19, 2016: Stephanie Rosenbloom of the New York Times has put together a way to cheat the airlines and earn miles and points without even leaving home. Turns out living like a tourist in your own home town, enjoying all your local shopping, entertainment and restaurant can quickly earn you some extra miles on your rewards card. That, as well as choosing companies and service providers partnered with your favorite airline can really start to stack up the rewards. While it’s a neat idea for finding points you wouldn’t expect, we’re all still waiting for someone to come up with a system that earns us points without emptying our wallet!
Travel Stuff You Should Pay Attention To: Resort Fee Idea Growing
April 18, 2016: Disney Parks are considering adding the ever unpopular “resort fees” to guest visits. Initially thoughts are to target these fees on to overnight guests at the various Walt Disney World lodging properties — then spread this easy incremental revenue add-on to California Parks and maybe other family travel resorts they operate in Hawaii.
The City of San Francisco already has something similar in place — they call it a tourism fee or tax that appears on hotel bills, restaurants and other activities. Cruise ship companies are also looking at some type of “daily” resort fee — not sure how that would impact daily staff tips — usually bundled and paid at the end of the cruise? The TC’s take — you charge me a resort fee then that’s what I consider to include any tips!