Will Uber become a total travel booking monster — maybe — looking to expand their revenue base, Uber is testing (in selected markets) including expanded travel booking options (like airline and hotel reservations) as part of their revenue base with more options with their online ride app. Business for their first quarter was up with 1.7 billion ride trips, and 18% increase from the year before — and they lost ONLY $5.6 BILLION — ONLY???
Category: Uncategorized
Number One US Airport for International Travel?
MIAMI! More than 13 MILLION international passengers for 2021??? Pack your “patience” if you travel via Miami!!!
Airlines continue to raise prices and cut service …
Ticket prices continue to increase — up more than 75% from a year ago and still rising (they say increases reflective of the upswing in fuel costs) and staff (ground and flight) shortages calling for some carriers reducing schedules by 5% or more — it’s not a happy or easy time for air travel!!
Sidney Restaurant expands “No Class” Theme?
The popular Sidney restaurant mini chain, Karen’s Diner, is expanding its locations with the theme “Great Food-Terrible Service” … don’t be surprised if your wait person “screams at you, throws the menus on the table and picks on your choice of clothing or hairstyle! We hear their food is “well worth” the ridicule!!!
Think you have everything for Winter Sports?
How about a “first ever” stand up snowmobile for one? Less than half the weight of a regular snowmobile and 20 hp — the new Widescape WS250 can be yours for around $6,400 — some “serious” winter thrills for sure!!! (And it can easily fit on a car rear rack.)
DON’T MISS The new $15 Million Monterey Bay Aquarium Rare Sea Creatures Exhibit!
Into The Deep — from bone eating worms that can consume a whale carcasses to “loopy” coral and fish skulls found more than 10,000 feet deep — where it is dark, cold and very deep. A “chilling experience” for all to enjoy!!!!
Avoid using Austin Airport?
The “overly expanded” airport is in an ongoing “crisis mode” … with understaffed TSA and airline issues, as well as potential shortages of aviation fuel for aircraft! Beware if upcoming travels take you to Austin!!!
Most Expensive USA City for Vacation House Rental …
AUSTIN, TEXAS — vacation house rental prices up, up, up a “whopping” 40%!!!!!!!
Airline can’t find passenger’s lost bag, so…
The frustrated passenger, a software engineer, hacks into the airline’s website and finds his own lost luggage — maybe some airline websites aren’t that secure?
Cruise Industry on the Rebound?
Maybe, if the first week of April is an indication. Carnival and several other cruise lines report “record” advance-sale bookings for the first week of April. Most bookers looking to later this year or 2023 for travel, with lots of “deals” and special discounts! Don’t be shy when booking, ask for it all!!!