A man posted a video to TikTok where he cooks a steak in a Delta lavatory. He puts a Sterno can in the toilet, lights it, and places an aluminum grilling sheet over the seat. Then he puts the raw steak on the sheet and pours white wine over it to marinate (perhaps it’s an old steak he’s trying to hide the spoiling flavor on, a good piece of meat should never require this!). He plates it and returns to his seat. There’s no question he should be banned from the airline, and probably charged with a crime if this really happened as-shown, for lighting a fire in the lavatory.
Category: Uncategorized
United reportedly begins operating COVID-19 vaccine shipment flights
United Airlines on Friday began operating charter flights carrying the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech to expedite its distribution should it receive approval from the Food and Drug Administration in the coming weeks, The Wall Street Journal reports. The Journal reviewed a letter from the Federal Aviation Administration detailing United’s plans to fly chartered flights between Brussels International Airport — Pfizer has a final-assembly center in Puurs, Belgium — and Chicago O’Hare International Airport, and the FAA said in a statement Friday it was supporting the “first mass air shipment of a vaccine.” The agency will also allow United to carry 15,000 pounds of dry ice per flight, five times more than what is normally permitted, to ensure the low storage temperature required for Pfizer’s vaccine are maintained throughout the flight.
(Thanks to our friends at The Week Magazine for this important COVID update)
Where is Everybody?
Certainly not coming to Las Vegas — since COVID landed, Vegas business is down as much as 80% from 2019 — and no sign of turning around. To help stimulate visitor traffic, Casino’s are starting to bring back name entertainment — with the first BIG name to return — Its Magic — with David Copperfield — long time Vegas favorite. More big names on the way— the TC suggests Vegas folks think about lowering entertainment show prices and — maybe even bring back post 9/11 room prices? And how about the airlines pitch in with low fares — instead of increasing fares which seems to be their “short sighted” means of stimulating travel?

Could the Boeing 737 MAX be back in the air before year end?
Maybe — American is planning to put the “it’s safe-it’s not save to fly” 737 Max back into service some time in December — flying between Miami and New York — European aviation agencies have also given the plane the “green light” to start flying again by year end — not sure travelers on either side of the Atlantic are excited to be back in the air onboard the 737 Max — with most carriers pushing as many passengers as they can into the planes — most airlines feel fuel efficiency more important than traveler comfort!!! The TC recommendations “some hesitation” on booking the 737 Max!!!

JetBlue Heading for London???
Looks that way — and early next year — Brits have approved space for the popular US carrier at London’s “once” over-crowded Heathrow — looks like service will be from US gateway Boston and New York’s JFK — with the Blue folks using new A321 aircraft — a blow to Boeing but nice mega aircraft order for Airbus … tally ho!!!

Uber Wins a Big One?
The popular U.S. based ride sharing service has FINALLY won approval to operate — actually continue operating — in Britain! A British judge approved the service calling them “a fit and proper” operator in one of the largest UBER markets outside the US. London’s popular “cabbie” group had opposed the service and called the ruling “appalling” … it’s an “Uber-iffic” day for Uber wouldn’t you agree?

Some New York Commuters are full of air?
Big business — NYC HELICOPTERS — is finding upscale folks who have moved from the city to the burbs around New York — are now doing their daily commute via executive chopper! NYC Helicopters did a flash sale and pre-sold 250 spots in just a few hours on their daily service — prices range from $295-$400 each way — with the average flight around 35 minutes for a 90 mile ride to the office. What a nice way to be off to the office — weather permitting!!!!

Call the Movers – Big Apple residents moving away?
Yup — looks like lots of New York City residents are tired of the clutter around town, high taxes and less service — so they’re moving out — and heading south to Florida and west to Los Angeles — “round em up and head em out” as the folks on RAWHIDE would say!!!

Maybe — new travel industry forecasting says the US travel will be back to about 70% of pre-COVID travelers; with average pre-COVID plane loads at 104 passengers a flight, dropping to maybe 10 per flight during COVID’s darkest days — with the remainder of 2020 looking to run 58 passengers per flight. Low fares and some schedule increases, maybe to include some popular international destinations, might even bring average flight traffic higher — we’ll see??

Big Apple Restaurants Down Down and OUT?
The National Restaurant says that 43% of restaurants and food service outlets WILL NOT OPEN post COVID — that includes nearly 30% of all New York City dining and food operations. Total $$$$ loss to-date for the entire country is estimated at more $185 million dollars — and counting!!!