The State Department says “now is a good time to apply or renew” passports — apparently the passport folks have gotten through a huge back log that occurred when the office went into mandatory lock down in mid-March. Expect about 10 weeks to wait for your application to be processed — and, as of now, you can try — for free — for an “expedited” passport that should take only 2-3 weeks — maybe?
Yup — October is historically been Breast Cancer Awareness month with merchants, airlines and sports teams adding to fund raising efforts by encouraging staff and works to wear PINK — ribbons, pins, clothing, etc. There’s even lots of pink appearing in authorized and businesses of all types — including restaurants, police, fire and other first responders. AMERICAN, normally a TC favorite, says they will distribute one “authorized” pink ribbon item that employees are to wear if they like — nothing else pink please! (they say as it interferes with the new uniform look). Maybe “Yellow” would be a better color for American to adopt instead of their traditional red-white-blue???
Lufthansa (LH, Frankfurt Int’l) has announced that in light of a slower than anticipated market recovery, it will increase its group capacity reduction plans by 50 more aircraft, including the long-term and possible permanent grounding of all A340-600s and A380-800s.
Well, maybe not “no” visitors, but certainly a lot less than expected — business is down down down and no signs of much coming back — mega resort operator, MGM Resorts, with over 70,000 employees, initially furloughed 62,000 — and is starting to bring some workers back. Vegas resorts and clubs must limit their operation capacity as well as greatly reduced live entertainment, conventions, and dining options. One positive note: most resorts and casinos once again offering FREE parking!!!
Could be — US carriers threatening to cancel flights to more than 90 cities around the US if they don’t receive a second round of COVID financial support — and this means even more travel industry layoffs and aircraft parked — going to be a much different US commercial air travel system post-COVID!
The US Customs and Border Protection Bureau has filed a new regulation for comment that proposes to raise the cost of Global Entry from $100 to $120. It would also change the cost of SENTRI (US-Mexico crossings) to $120, and indicates they’ll be separately filing to raise the NEXUS fee to $120 as well.
Along with this price increase comes two positive changes:
Expanding Global Entry to immigration pre-clearance facilities and certain U.S. territories (or at least make the rules consistent with practice)
Making applications free for children under 18 if they either file with their parents, or their parents are already approved.
There are 16 locations across 6 countries where you clear immigration and customers before flying to the U.S. and those should eventually be added as Global Entry locations: Dublin and Shannon (Ireland); Aruba; Freeport and Nassau (Bahamas); Bermuda; Abu Dhabi; Calgary, Toronto, Edmonton, Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Vancouver, Victoria, and Winnipeg (Canada). Many have Global Entry now and CBP wants to make that legal.
(Thanks Gary for keeping us all up on ever-changing travel do’s and don’ts)
SFO may be the first US airport for United to roll out pre-flight COVID testing — with results as quick as 30 minutes — for all flights to Hawaii — starting in mid October. Hawaii has been really “closed” to tourists for the past few months — especially Honolulu — even with mandatory 14 day quarantine. Cost of the almost instant airport testing will be around $250 with a less expensive mail in COVID version available for around $100 — but depending on the mail, quick lab turnaround and response — probably 2-3 days prior to flight — if the new airport “on site” service works, look for United and others to roll out the service at other big US airports — and maybe, just maybe, international travel to take off???
Hawaii officials are saying they expect to “welcome” visitors again — especially from the mainland and Asia — mid October — BUT, better check with your airline and Hawaii Visitor Bureau folks before you confirm plans and know of any “on site” quarantine requirements? Mahalo
Yup — it was a short-term promotion in early September — and with not much advance notice — Alaska Air offered a companion ticket FREE to anywhere in their system — only charges were for taxes and fees — pretty good deal!! Here’s betting they’ll do it again — pay attention to their site and get on their email sales pitch list — bring and wear your face mask!! Such a deal!!
The U.S. currently only permits 15 airports to receive flights from Europe (including the U.K.), China, or Brazil. That’s because passengers arriving on flights from these places are supposed to be specially screened for COVID-19, since they along with Iran are deemed high risk areas. These airports are Atlanta, Boston, Chicago O’Hare, Dallas-Fort Worth, Detroit, Fort Lauderdale, Honolulu, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York JFK, Newark, Seattle, San Francisco and Washington Dulles. American Airlines hubs Philadelphia, Charlotte, and Phoenix aren’t on this list. Neither is Delta’s Minneapolis hub.
The passenger screening requirement expired on September 14th. And that means there will be no more need for ‘funneling’ airports, opening up the possibility of flights between the U.S. and Europe especially from more airports.