Maybe — the once high-flying Branson airline filed for bankruptcy protection and hopes to “reorganize” high debt and keep flying! One of the best airlines for service and customer care, Virgin is in a tough battle for survival — a TC favorite, Virgin makes travel fun+comfortable and has the BEST business class of any carrier currently flying. How nice to say something nice about an airline!!!
Yup — the concept — sail or motorboat up —for a drive-in movie on the bay is being tested somewhere on San Francisco Bay — and offers movie goers easy social distancing —although not quite sure how one gets to the restrooms or refreshment stand? Maybe swims?
Boeing Co lost another 43 orders for its grounded 737 MAX planes in July, bringing the total cancellations for the jet this year to 398, while delivering only four of its other aircraft to customers, monthly numbers showed on Tuesday. Based on a tighter accounting standard, Boeing said order cancellations now stand at 857 for the MAX, whose recertification is still hanging in the balance more than a year after its worldwide grounding due to two fatal crashes.
Tough year for airlines — business is slow to return — and most carriers ready to initiate large scale staff layoffs and terminations — Southwest, one of the “best of the bunch” says it will be happy to just “break even” this year! It’s a tough business even in good times — TC’s “thumbs up” for SOUTHWEST!!!
An Eastern Airlines repatriation flight from New York to Guyana ended up getting stuck in the mud at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport just shortly after landing. Passengers safely made their way to a “mud bath” upon hitting the ground — maybe pilot error bringing the Boeing 767 to a normal safe landing??? The TC suggests avoiding Eastern Air until they figure out how to land!!!
OH WELL — THIS PASSENGER WON’T BE FLYING AMERICAN EVER AGAIN … American Airlines passenger hits gate agent in Phoenix after being denied boarding for not wearing a mask! Can’t WE all please be a little more considerate???
Yup — that’s the way its going to be for airline travelers for the next few months — and, don’t be surprised if you can’t even get into an airport terminal without keeping your mask on —NO MASK … NO SERVICE … NO FLIGHT … NO KIDDING!!!
Presidential campaigns traditionally have planes. But this year Joe Biden is going without one since he won’t leave his basement won’t be traveling much for in-person events during the pandemic.
And, of course, President Trump has exclusive use of Air Force One — may be Trump can “Uber” Air Force One for Biden to use?
A cargo container was opened at Lakeland Linder International Airport, about 30 miles from Tampa in Florida. Inside was a guided missile. Lakeland airport hasn’t had scheduled commercial air service since 2012 when Direct Air, which flew Boeing 737s to Myrtle Beach, Niagara Falls, and Springfield, Illinois. They do have substantial general aviation, including a customs facility.
The shipping container with the missile, from Draken International, came with aircraft pieces inside as well. Draken provides fighter aircraft on a contract basis – as one does – and is based at the airport. Air Force explosive technicians were brought in, and the airport was evacuated. The warhead was live – but it wasn’t armed. (At least this wasn’t being shipped on a commercial airline — maybe some government “oversight” needed when shipping live missiles — YA THINK?)
Last month, LAX airport began temperature screenings at the Tom Bradley International Terminal as people enter the airport and in the arrivals corridor using thermal imaging cameras. This is similar to what I’ve experienced, for instance, in Hong Kong for over 15 years. (Thanks to Gary Leff for the travel tip)