Another — well deserved causality from COVID-19 — is no more service animals will be allowed in airport terminals or on planes. There might be an exception or two — like seeing eye dogs — but all the other critters will be losing their frequent flyer privileges — and that’s fine!!
Category: Uncategorized
Even though they say they social distance on planes — not really!!!
The TC says “don’t fly them”!!!!
Buckle Up You Porch Possums — It’s time to Roll that Airstream Out? Social Distancing on the Move!!!
Yup — Americans land-locked from months of social distancing and not traveling by air, rail or sea are looking to “land yachts” to get moving once again. RV rentals — and sales — are way up as wanna be road warriors gas up, pack up, and six pack up for the wide open spaces with families, pets, neighbors and even long lost unfriendly relatives, traveling on US roadways enjoying landmarks, traffic, cold pizza and the great outdoors and even more mandated “togetherness.” Sounds like “fun” for about 2 days – then give your TC that business class airline seat, refreshing bottomless gin and tonics and wide open skies to just about anywhere!!!

Airline Bankruptcy Season is Upon Us? (be sure and read the fine print?)
Looks like at least 2 major US carriers circling the courts getting ready to declare Chapter 11 — following several international carriers already grounded. In the US, a Chapter 11 filing is just an easy way to stay in business but get rid of heavy debt, employee pension plan commitments, reduce payroll expenses (layoffs and or terminations), stiff vendors with pennies on the dollar for money owed and continue doing business. The TC “predicts” at least one of the top ten US carriers will cease to operate completely in the next 12 months — give me your best guess — with a special recognition prize to winners?
Airlines say, “Thank you US Government and Trump”
The Federal Government will be sending out over one million — ONE MILLION — COVID-19 approved face masks to US airlines and Amtrak to give out free to passengers — you gotta wear them inside terminals and when flying or training —and, please don’t expect them to be the latest designer styles and colors — remember, it’s our government sending something for free!!!

Another Month for High Airline Fares — Then Watch???
Yup — you can count on extremely high airfares for at least the next 30-45 days …..but come fall watch for lower fares and one or two day fare specials — airlines are already starting to finalize plans to lure “an abundance” of pleasure class domestic travelers back on board to make up for the big loss of “socially distant” business class travelers. Many hotels will jump on board too with good special rates based on longer stays — the overnight lodger might still get socked!! Be flexible with plans and look for short air travel and room specials during the week — But don’t expect socially distancing on planes — anyway, medical experts say keeping that middle seat empty has no COVID prevention value!!!

Qatar Airways Takes Off and Nowhere to Land? Italy says “GO HOME-YOU CAN’T LAND HERE!”

Something even more extreme happened to a large number of passengers on two separate Qatar Airways flights bound for Italy: restrictions changed while the passengers were on their way to the country, and they were forced to turn around once they had landed. Qatar Airways flights to Milan and Rome carried 152 passengers from Dhaka, Bangladesh on Wednesday. While they were in transit, Italy imposed restrictions on entry from Bangladesh based on increasing confirmed COVID-19 infections there. Qatar Airways flight QR131 from Doha to Rome returned 3 hours later back to Doha with 112 Bangladeshis on board, while flight QR127 from Doha to Milan returned carrying 40 of its passengers from Bangladesh. Other passengers who had arrived on those flights are being required to self-quarantine for 14 days as a precaution.
Japan Travel Hit Hard by COVID And Travel Ban
Worldwide travel to Japan is down a whooping 99%— the country has banned inbound travel from over 100 countries and regions — going to be a long, long, slow, slow travel recovery to Asia and the Middle East — and most countries in that part of the world have extensive arrival quarantine restrictions. Plan your travel carefully or maybe just go for that Airstream and see America???
Big Pilot Layoffs Onboard for Airline Pilots?
Gonna be a rough landing for thousands of airlines pilots in the coming months — with reduced flights, its looking like thousands of airline pilots will be laid off or terminated in the next 3 months. Southwest is asking over 1,000 of their pilots to take a long furlough with some paid benefits —with Delta planning on off-loading nearly 3,000 pilots!! It costs “aspiring” pilots over $100,000 to train to become an airline pilot — not including college costs if you include that as most do. The “Friendly Skies” aren’t so friendly anymore!!!
Really Dumb Move by Indonesian Air Carrier
GARUDA Indonesian Air Lines takes away the Travel Curmudgeon “stupid” award for the month with its new directive banning flight attendants from wear face masks — because customers complained about not being able to see their flight attendants faces? Face masks are gone and replaced by full face shields — uncomfortable and bulky to wear — as well as especially dangerous during inflight emergencies. Garuda needs to “face up” to using face masks — forget about how it looks but why it works!!!