The short story on this is — a bill will be presented from an Arizona congresswomen to provide an incentive for Americans to get back “in the travel saddle” — by offering tax deductions for assorted travel expenses like lodging, transportation and meals — hopefully targeted at “restarting” revenue for the much down and out travel industry — details on the bill, if it passes, to follow!!!
Yup … as Las Vegas rolls along opening casinos, restaurants and retail — already COVID-19 problems at the MGM operated Bellagio with a virus case being traced backed to the casino’s upscale & somewhat snotty Mayfair Supper Club — now closed.
This new TC travel contributor recently loaded up for a National Lampoons-style road trip to Yellowstone. “This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy …” ran through our minds over 2,000+ miles, while our family of four, complete with camping gear and food supplies to eliminate all touch points beyond the handle of the gas pump, rolled through seven western states in 10 days. Can you make it halfway across the country without encountering COVID? The jury is still out on this group, but we’ve been home for nearly a week and thankfully have no symptoms.
First tip for a summer 2020 road trip: Pick up a 5-gallon water jug. We found a couple on amazon before we left for $20-30, and you’ll get that back from not buying cases of water with unknown levels of contamination from previous package handling on your trip. Just make sure your big water jug has a spigot. (Water is heavy!!!)
More to come from our family road trip experience. Remember: It’s the journey, not the destination, so get out there!!! (But wear a mask, and for goodness sakes, wash your hands.)
Why not — with sales in April at an all time high of 13 BILLION, seems to make sense that they’d be looking to offer all that store and online traffic something more — and the Costco customer certainly “fits” (in more ways than one?) …the ideal herd traffic Carnival appeals toooooo!!!
The TC says “BAD NEWS” — Not a good fit! Looks like once high flying Jet Blue now partnering with “low flying” American AirWays (used to be referred to as “Airways” before they grew up) and now, no doubt, Jet Blue will become a One World partner offering their customers sky high frequent flyer mile seats on American and other One World airline pals. American should concentrate on their “young” partnership with Alaska — a much better airline and “cleaner” frequent flyer buddy.
No one will be allowed into a US airport unless they have a reservation and can display a ticket and or boarding pass. This already works well in many international airports and keeps terminal traffic — including baggage claim riff raft traffic — out.
Facial ID technology will become part of both airline and airport screening — along with other screening changes like temperature checks and boarding changes — all for staff and traveler safety and all adding time on to airport visits!!!
DENVER, COLORADO – MARCH 12: A traveler wears a mask as she goes through the security line at Denver International Airport on March 12, 2020 in Denver, Colorado. Despite fears of the spread of the Covid-19 people are still flying while taking precautions like using masks, cleansing hand wipes and hand sanitizers to protect themselves. (Photo by Helen H. Richardson/The Denver Post)
Looks that way — to keep mandatory spacing requirements in flight, Ryan is going to ask passengers to make a reservation with flight attendants before getting up to use the restroom – the low cost airline figures thats the best way to control restroom use spacing inflight? Good luck with that idea!!!
YUP — many years ago — before Fed Ex and other air freight only servers — cargo was a big airline profit center. Now with near empty planes — (many flights with 20 or less seats filled) there’s once again room for air freight and the airlines are taking advantage of their empty luggage space to pack in freight — and most air freight doesn’t require much care or attention. High profit filling empty space—good plan!!!