Travel and COVID-19 science experts will tell you that seat spacing ideas on airplanes — leaving the middle seat vacant — just won’t work or doing any good in keeping virus bugs from moving around; even leaving rows in front and behind passengers is also no good and doesn’t improve the virus safety factor. And what about aircraft restrooms — users or flight attendants going to be responsible for cleaning up after each use — don’t think so. (still the dirtiest place on an airplane is lavatory door handles or anything in the confined bathroom space that has a handle). Best way — bring your own wipes and clean up your own space — not even sure how well that will work?
Of all the US carriers, United is “bleeding cash” the most — poor management decisions involving employee mandatory layoffs, too expensive to maintain airplanes, and damn poor leadership has put the once high flying long time US carrier in deep trouble. The once “friendly skies” not so friendly these days!!!
The newest airport vending machine is the one that sells face masks — most all airlines requiring passengers to wear them in the terminal and on flights — this “must have” item is selling for $15 and up — and watch for prices to go even higher!!
Maybe — with itself? The ride share innovator recently announced another round of layoffs — this time 3,000 corporate staff worldwide (business in April down more than 80%) — and that on top of nearly 4000 jobs already eliminated. Looks like COVID-19 really taken it’s toll on both Uber and Lyft — maybe a consolidation in the future for both to become one? Customers might be ordering a ride pick up from Uber+Lyft?
About the new “normal” for air travelers: Don’t be surprised if you now have to get to the airport a minimum of 4 HOURS prior to flight time — to do battle with airport and airline requirements that include a couple of stops for health checks (temperature etc.); your first stop may be a clearance to even enter airport terminals; no more airline airport lounges for the time being (too crowded and cramped); as many as 3 separate stops to take your temperature (entering the terminal, ticket counter, TSA security clearance and boarding gate); no onboard luggage bags of any size; and the possibility of another health and temperature check prior to seating onboard flights. And maybe for the time being, if food is being served it will be out of a pre-sealed paper bag!! What’s happened to the once glamours world of air travel?
Looks that way — Uber, having been infected by COVID travel fall off, is looking at buying popular food service delivery innovator GrubHub. The deal could be worth more than $6 billion dollars to GrubHub if it can get Uber to deliver $60 a share — the GrubHub folks have about 50% of the food delivery business in the US. The TC says “look for even more consolidation” in travel and delivery services in the coming months???
With more time on our hands these days, as well as less travel, folks staying at home are spending more time snacking. Case in point; sales of popular Goldfish crackers are up up up more than 20%; also seeing spikes in sales General Mills says both Cheerios and Lucky Charms sales are way up — and Pepsi’s Quaker Oaks sales are at new highs. With beverages, wine sales are down while beer drinkers are making up the slack and then some. Now if we could all just find more toilet paper and handy wipes!
Virgin fires more than 3,000 people including 600 Pilots. Virgin Australia files for Bankruptcy. Air Mauritius goes into Administration. South African Airways Bankrupt. Finnair returns 12 planes and lays off 2,400 people. YOU grounds 22 planes and fires 4,100 people. Ryanair grounds 113 planes and gets rid of 900 pilots for the moment, 450 more in the coming months. Norwegian completely stops its long-haul activity!!! The 787s are returned to the lessors. SAS returns 14 planes and fires 520 pilots… The Scandinavian states are studying a plan to liquidate Norwegian and SAS to rebuild a new company from their ashes. Ethiad cancels 18 orders for A350, grounds 10 ea. A380’s and 10 ea. Boeing 787s. Lays off 720 staff. Emirates grounds 38 A380s and cancels all orders for the Boeing 777x (150 aircraft, the largest order for this type). They “invite” all employees over 56 to retire. Wizzair returns 32 A320s and lays off 1,200 people, including 200 pilots, another wave of 430 layoffs planned in the coming months. Remaining employees will see their wages reduced by 30%. IAG (British Airways’ parent company) abandons the takeover of Air Europa (and will pay €40 million compensation for that). IAG (Iberia) grounds 56 planes. IAG (British Airways) grounds 34 planes. Everyone over 58 to retire. Luxair reduces its fleet by 50% (and associated redundancies) CSA abolishes its long-haul sector and keeps only 5 medium-haul aircraft. Eurowings goes into Bankruptcy Brussels Airline reduces its fleet by 50% (and associated redundancies). Lufthansa plans to ground 72 aircraft (in 2 instalments). Hop is studying the possibility of reducing fleet and staff by 50%. Currently, 60 new aircraft stored at Airbus with no buyers in sight (order cancellations) including 18 A350s. They *forecast a minimum of 8,000 grounded planes by September*. With an average of 5.8 crews per plane (medium and long haul combined), that would make *more than 90,000 unemployed pilots worldwide* *The Air Transport Industry is on Life Support !* This will have a major impact on our lifestyle …
YUP — looks like both Uber and Lyft will require drivers to wear COVID-19 approved face masks — and ask passengers to take a picture of their driver and send to each’s “driver monitors” for approval before driving off….not sure if passengers required to wear masks but would be a good idea!!!
From a new campaign, US airline pilots are starting to promote the return to travel … and it’s working! Most US carriers report advance bookings for July show a 40-50% increase over April — one of their worst— some would even say “down in the toilet”— travel months in history. Hope this campaign help the travel industry, including cruise ships, CLEAN UP!!!