And for usually the best prices — Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. And book your flight early in the am for the better prices!

And for usually the best prices — Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. And book your flight early in the am for the better prices!
A new rental car trend starting in California is renting a car from an individual owner instead of going through a normal car rental agency. Turo, based in San Francisco — where the trend is starting — will act as the middle man between a private car owner and potential renter. How about trying a new Tesla Model 3 for $110 a day? One car owner, with an electronic tracking system on his Porsche, was able to track his car hitting speeds of nearly 200 mph — ok, maybe this isn’t such a good idea for car owners?
Definitely for the winter outdoor adventurer, check out the program offered this winter in western Canada. You’ll cover about 40 miles with 20 land and water location stops. In 1994 spotters counted nearly 3,800 eagles with the count declining to a little over 400 in 2016. This year the count is projected at 1000+. The Squamish area of British Columbia is where you’ll want head if your interested!!!
That’s the name for the new very-very-ultra-upscale travel segment that will officially debut in 2020. Initially targeted to upscale “don’t matter what we pay” hotel category, the trend may then extend to air travel, cruise ships and private tours. AirBnB might be the first mass market lodging bookers to go after this new ultra high price market — hopefully they’ll still be room for us budget $$$ minded travelers???
… Renting a car:
– Leaving a loaded gun in the car when you turn it in
– Multiple smoking offenses
– Disputing car damages (even if you’re right you might still be given thumbs down the next time you try and rent)
… Flying:
– Being fresh with a flight attendant, even talking back or disputing their authority; and don’t try and hit a flight attendant or trash the inside of a plane.
– Even a simple misunderstanding can get you onto the airlines “no fly” list. Be nice now!!!
… if in the coming months traveling from the US to ANY international destination requires your airline to take your picture before allowing you on a flight — the new program, quietly being tested at airports around the country — is part of Homeland Security’s beefed up efforts to enhance US and international security — look good and smile please!!!
Maybe — but not on a recent Saturday morning in Phoenix. Same with most US airports —so think Saturday for your travels if you want to avoid crowds and suffer less airport hassle!!!
Yup — don’t let your airline tell you otherwise, but families with young kids (12 and under) have the “legal right” to fly together and not be separated. All thanks to the revised Airline Reauthorization Act passed by Congress in 2016, with many updated rules, aircraft safety and travel requirements. One US airline recently placed a 2 year old in a seat several rows behind mom to sit with strangers — and thats a big “NO NO”!!! Check with the FAA web site for current travelers rights information.
That may not be as strange as it sounds — one Asian airline is testing a coffee cup that’s very unusual. Once the passenger finishes their coffee, they can eat the cup! Sounds messy, and what happens when the cup starts to fall apart when the poured coffee too hot? Not sure this is all such a good idea!!!
OK, this isn’t really travel information — but important if you’re a fan of Kentucky Fried Chicken. The chicken folks, by overwhelming popular demand, have brought back their unique branded fire place log designed to create a “warm fried chicken-scented fire” in your fireplace. They launched the unique log in 2018 and the chain sold out their entire inventory in 3 hours. This year the logs are also on sale at Walmart for $18.99 for a limited time — gotta love KFC and their holiday spirit… err scent anyway!!!