Oh Where O Where is My TSA?

February 22, 2017: 10 travelers passing through a JetBlue TSA boarding check point at JFK were in for a surprise — no agents at the Xray position — so they just walked on through and to their planes.  At least 3 travelers triggered the machine requiring further individual checks, but since no TSA around, they just kept going. TSA says all were identified through security cameras, found all but 3 and checked before they departed. The 3 missing had boarded their flight to LAX and were checked on arrival — hmmm.  According to TSA, airport security screening is most “vulnerable” during shift change times (that’s what happened here) and early in the AM.  Hopefully some staffing changes in order now? Over 13,000 TSA airport staff man 500 US airports daily screening 2 million plus passengers  — and more than 432 million bags a year. TSA is asking to add 10,000 more agents this year and says that will help — hopefully some early risers?

Airbnb Adds to Rental Choices

February 17, 2017: Although the TC is not a fan of Airbnb (reasons coming up), in the spirit of complete coverage, it is important to note that travelers can now utilize their services to shop for lodging other than apartment and house rentals — for the more adventurous, Airbnb now includes lofts, cabins, houseboats and barns for selection. Be careful when using Airbnb and watch the small print — hefty prepayments, wiring fees, using a local currency for payments and tricky non-refundable cancelation fees. Too many places for pitfalls and mis-steps!

Belize — Dive and Lounge with Sea Turtles

February 15, 2017: Travelers — both explorers looking for a new destination and scuba divers alike — “like” Belize. From glorious accommodations to comfortable budget choices, Belize is a comfortable destination. Use San Pedro as your base and explore the second-longest barrier reef in the world. At Hol Cham Marine Reserve the reef is only 12 feet below the surface — might not even need to get wet to enjoy the colorful underwater show! Maybe swimming with the fish and turtles isn’t so bad in Belize?

Travel Insurance — Do You Need It?

February 13, 2017: Travel insurance is expensive and an extra expense you can easily talk yourself out of. Here’s why you might need it: you’ve pre-paid for an expensive and non-refundable trip; your health insurance won’t cover you where you are going or has lots of limitations — like pre existing medical conditions. Don’t buy if your flights are changeable and reservations can be canceled without a penalty; or if you’ve booked using a credit card that has provided free insurance. It’s not an easy task to sort all this out but could be well worth the time!

Traveler Alert: Top Travel Cities to Meet Up With Rats and Cockroaches?

February 10, 2017: Travel is never easy — you don’t need to meet up with pests — specifically rats and cockroaches. Top US cities to encounter these creatures include: New Orleans, Houston, Philadelphia and Boston. Bug leaders in California: Los Angeles-Long Beach, Riverside-San Bernardino, and San Francisco — the most popular (and once again) most expensive travel destination in the US. Pay attention to where you walk, eat — and sleep!!!

Carry-On Bags Require Tape Measure?

February 8, 2017: All the US carriers are looking at new size restrictions — or just a better job of enforcing current guidelines — for carry-on bags that go into overhead bins. A recent study by Consumer Reports says that bag manufacturers are a big part of the problem. It seems their recent study of carry-on advertised sizes — on Amazon and Ebags — says 9 out of 11 bags where actually much larger than advertised. And some of the discount carriers — like Spirit — are reducing the sizes of bags they’ll let you bring on. Bag buyers and travelers beware!!!