Mall of Dubai Like No Other in the World

January 17, 2016: With more than 1000 stores, restaurants, attractions (indoor skiing, ice skating, largest indoor aquarium, mini theme parks) and other consumer needs — like a complete walk in medical center — the mall continues to grow, and leaves no open space undecorated or not themed — like the colorful umbrella alley or multi story dancing waterfall.  Even if you don’t shop, the visual experience is worth the visit.

Airlines Say Flights To Get More Comfortable — REALLY?

January 11, 2016: US airlines are trying to “sell” passengers that, despite smaller seats and more passengers on each plane, their flights are going to be more comfortable. They say the reason is related to newer planes being manufactured with new composite lighter materials — that will result in changes in cabin atmosphere that will be more humid reducing dry eyes and dry throats. They also say larger windows and wider aisles will help passenger comfort levels — trying to figure out how that works with smaller tighter seating and more passengers on each flight?

New Uniform Problems for American and Alaska

January 10, 2016: American and Alaska are in the midst of introducing new flight crew uniforms — and both program are making flight crews unhappy and itchy. American has logged over 2,000 complaints from their flight crews who complain the uncomfortable wool-based outfits are not only uncomfortable but cause hives, wheezing, coughing and headaches. Employees not only want the uniforms replaced but are also demanding they be reimbursed for the cost of their medical bills. An uncomfortable situation for the airlines, flight crews and maybe even passengers?

When Airlines Fly Over a Foreign Country They Owe Airspace Rent

January 6, 2016: Any time an airline flies over a foreign country, they owe their host country rent for using their airspace. This worldwide service is governed by the International Civil Aviation Organization and includes the airlines right to land, refuel or repair — with additional fees if the plane has to make an unscheduled stop. The foreign air space fee in the US is around $57 a nautical mile. Airlines worldwide might alter their flight route based on the most cost efficient route to their destination.

Ten Weird Things TSA Found in Your Bags in 2016

  • A full size replica of the Lucille bat from AMC’s Walking Dead
  • Five small endangered sea horses inside a liquor bottle
  • Two floggers with metal blades
  • A gun made with a 3-D printer (with real bullets)
  • Live smoke grenades (neatly stuffed in a small carry on)
  • 12 inch machete
  • Two fully loaded spear guns
  • A blowtorch
  • An ax
  • Over 2600 firearms

( I don’t know about you, but I’m glad they’re checking!)

TC’s Travel Tips for the New Year

January 2, 2016: Here are a few Travel Curmudgeon Travel Tips for the New Year:

  • Pack lighter and downsize
  • Take fewer but better pictures
  • Stop putting travel off
  • Learn to “unplug” when you travel
  • Go for a walk without GPS or a map
  • Use your time wisely and enjoy the adventure
  • Don’t be a travel snob — get into local culture and people
  • Take a step or three out of your normal comfort zone
  • Leave work at home when you travel
  • Take time and explore your own backyard
  • Be a good traveler — travel responsibly


Where Else to Drop the Ball on New Years?

December 30, 2016: Time Square is the cliche travel destination to celebrate the new year — and while it might be something worth doing once, the densely overcrowded streets of New York aren’t as glamorous as they seem. For a more unique and create destination to celebrate the new year, check out some of these locations recommended by Lonely Planet, from New Orleans to Sydney, Australia.

The Season of Tipping?

December 28, 2016: According to this New York Times article, the season of giving is supposed to equate to larger tips on your holiday vacation. They suggest throwing as much as double what you would usually tip your cab (or Uber) driver, your hotel bellhop, or your waitress. While it’s true that the service industry might be a little more hectic during the holiday rush, it certainly doesn’t mean you should be breaking the bank — especially when you’ve already been over spending on the holidays. The TC Tip? Tip what you feel is appropriate, and throw in a little extra if you’re really feeling the holiday spirit.