Category: Uncategorized
Moving to Canada?
November 15, 2016: The Canadian Immigration web site has received so much traffic since the US Presidential election last week that it has “crashed” numerous times. Much easier to visit Canada than try and move there!
Passenger Weigh In For Some Hawaiian Flights!

Something Different at CDG Paris?

Rental Car Fees: Use it or Lose It?
Escape the Election in DC?

The British Are Coming!

American Says, “Be Nicer” When Flying
October 31, 2016: American has recently initiated an advertising campaign “promoting civility” in the air, encouraging passengers to be a little more considerate. The new campaign, targeted at “the world’s greatest flyers” (assume that refers to their passengers?), praises travelers who share the armrest in the middle seat and urges passengers to be nicer to flight attendants. Unfortunately most travelers shut off their “civility mode” when they travel. And, smaller seats and overcrowded planes don’t help!
Hotel Fees and Unexpected Surcharges On the Rise in the US
October 28, 2016: US hotels will bring in an extra $2.25 BILLION in extra hotel fees this year — everything from that K-cup coffee pod for the machine in your room — to the “dreaded” resort fee. Many Las Vegas hotels are now even charging a daily parking fee — always complimentary in the past. Some hotels have even gone so far as to add a fee if you request a room on a higher level and early check out. Hotel chains, like Holiday Inn Express, offer limited services, so fewer ways to add on fees — usually very good room rate values and maybe a better option than the big chains?
Hold On — Airfares Heading Up!
Hold On — Airfares Heading Up!
October 27, 2016: The glut of new bigger planes has been responsible for average airfares declining the past 2 years — and airlines stocks have fallen. Airlines are now planning for fewer flights — limiting seats — and driving up prices. Delta and American say they will only grown 1 percent next year. And, most US carriers are falling in line and adding a “premium economy” fare (somewhat larger seat and some minuscule in flight amenities — the free ones they took away years ago) — fares will go up. There might still be a few deals, but most likely for business and first class flyers!