Service Dogs Get Airport Facilities Too!

November 16, 2016: Exclusive TC Tip: Find the “doggy door” at LAX’s terminal six and step outside for a nice break from the crowds. Many airports are now adding “facilities” for the growing number of service dogs that seem to be traveling these days. I guess Fido needs a potty break from time to time when traveling too. Not sure what they do when on the plane?

Passenger Weigh In For Some Hawaiian Flights!

November 14, 2016: Yup — on Hawaiian Air flights, between Hawaii and American Samoa, passengers that look a “little hefty” will be asked to weigh in before boarding. The airline claims it will give them an opportunity to “redistribute” passenger seating weight for more fuel efficiency on the 2600 mile long journey. Could be the beginning of a trend other airlines will follow — and maybe some needed diets too?

Something Different at CDG Paris?

November 11, 2016: Leave it to the French to come up with an interesting way to entertain yourself while waiting to board international flights — video game arcades.  Now found in and around most international departure gates, a fairly high tech selection of video game arcades (not hidden but right in the gate areas) — making the already crowded terminals even less passenger space friendly!

Rental Car Fees: Use it or Lose It?

November 9, 2016: Next time you’re renting a car, be sure to check the fine print. While accidents in rentals are rare, they do happen, and you should know what to expect before it does, or you might be in for a surprise. Even if you take them up on their insurance options, and keep your own insurance safe, these policies might not protect their “Loss of Use” clause. According to these renters, when their car is in the shop for repair, unavailable for use, they are taking a loss — and they claim you are responsible! These fees can run into the thousands, even though there is no clear way they can actually measure their loss. And despite years of legal battles, there is still nothing concrete protecting you from these surprise expenses!

Escape the Election in DC?

November 7, 2016: With this election cycle coming to an end tomorrow, you might be looking for a place to find solace and escape the hype. Look no further than Washington DC? That’s right, you can take your mind off of things by staying at historic hotels like the Watergate, dine at your local Congressman’s top rated restaurant, check out one of the new or newly renovated museums, and finish off your day enjoying the riverfront’s nightlife.

The British Are Coming!

November 4, 2016: British Airways is starting to colonize the US. In an effort to compete with the major US chains taking advantage of Brexit’s result in inexpensive tourism, the English airline has begun adding a few more major US airports to their map, reaching out as far as Oakland — their first endeavor into California’s Bay Area.

American Says, “Be Nicer” When Flying

October 31, 2016: American has recently initiated an advertising campaign “promoting civility” in the air, encouraging passengers to be a little more considerate. The new campaign, targeted at “the world’s greatest flyers” (assume that refers to their passengers?), praises travelers who share the armrest in the middle seat and urges passengers to be nicer to flight attendants. Unfortunately most travelers shut off their “civility mode” when they travel. And, smaller seats and overcrowded planes don’t help!

Hotel Fees and Unexpected Surcharges On the Rise in the US

October 28, 2016: US hotels will bring in an extra $2.25 BILLION in extra hotel fees this year — everything from that K-cup coffee pod for the machine in your room — to the “dreaded” resort fee.  Many Las Vegas hotels are now even charging a daily parking fee — always complimentary in the past.  Some hotels have even gone so far as to add a fee if you request a room on a higher level and early check out.  Hotel chains, like Holiday Inn Express, offer limited services, so fewer ways to add on fees — usually very good room rate values and maybe a better option than the big chains?hotelchatter-hidden-hotel-fees

Hold On — Airfares Heading Up!

Hold On — Airfares Heading Up!

October 27, 2016: The glut of new bigger planes has been responsible for average airfares declining the past 2 years — and airlines stocks have fallen. Airlines are now planning for fewer flights — limiting seats — and driving up prices. Delta and American say they will only grown 1 percent next year. And, most US carriers are falling in line and adding a “premium economy” fare (somewhat larger seat and some minuscule in flight amenities — the free ones they took away years ago) — fares will go up. There might still be a few deals, but most likely for business and first class flyers!
