Eight Ideas for a Better Night’s Sleep

  1. Set a cool room temperature
  2. No electronic devices 30 minutes prior to bedtime
  3. No, none, nada caffeine after 2 pm
  4. Sleep wear (jammies, t-shirts, etc.) send a sleep friendly message to a tired body. If you wear it to the gym, don’t wear it to bed (or even Starbucks)
  5. Do light stretching, deep breathing, yoga or meditation to help your body transition to sleep
  6. Ok to read a book — a real book —prior to sleeping. Not an e-reader that emits blue light
  7. Sometimes entering “sleep mode” is easier by drinking caffeine-free tea
  8. Before you turn off the lights, write a list of what you are grateful for (not sure on this — maybe only 7 tips for a good nights sleep?

(thanks for the tips — Marriott and Arianna Huffington)
