Is My Pet Boa Considered a Support Animal When I Fly?

March 23, 2018: Air travelers traveling with so called, “emotional support” animals continues to set new highs and lows — Federal guidelines say the airlines must allow passengers traveling with the support animals to board and fly — but don’t provide any guidance as to what types of support pets fit the category. Recently a traveler tried to board a United flight with a full size emotional support peacock — even bought a seat for the feathery critter — United said NO and neither the passenger or bird made the flight.  In another case, Oscar (so called emotional support Boa) was also denied boarding —even though the 7 foot long Boa’s owner had purchased a seat for “his pet” and was going to take Oscar out of his container and let him sit —or coil-on the middle seat.  How would you like to be the passenger sitting on the other side of 7 foot long fat hungry Oscar?