This new TC travel contributor recently loaded up for a National Lampoons-style road trip to Yellowstone. “This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy …” ran through our minds over 2,000+ miles, while our family of four, complete with camping gear and food supplies to eliminate all touch points beyond the handle of the gas pump, rolled through seven western states in 10 days.
Can you make it halfway across the country without encountering COVID? The jury is still out on this group, but we’ve been home for nearly a week and thankfully have no symptoms.

First tip for a summer 2020 road trip: Pick up a 5-gallon water jug. We found a couple on amazon before we left for $20-30, and you’ll get that back from not buying cases of water with unknown levels of contamination from previous package handling on your trip. Just make sure your big water jug has a spigot. (Water is heavy!!!)

More to come from our family road trip experience. Remember: It’s the journey, not the destination, so get out there!!! (But wear a mask, and for goodness sakes, wash your hands.)