
Watch for More Low Cost Carriers to Take Flight

September 22, 2017: Asia and Europe are breeding grounds for more low cost long haul air carriers these days — following the successful example of Norway’s Wow Air — with mandatory stop from anywhere in Iceland.

  • Level International Airlines, owner of Spain’s flag carrier Iberia, will use Barcelona as their hub
  • Malaysia based Air X will be the first low cost Asian carrier to hit US soil with service to Honolulu
  • France’s La Compagnie will fly between Paris and Newark with an all low (they say?) one business class (74 seats) service.

Low cost international airline fares can be as low as $199 each way — but watch out for the add ons!!!

Rome Shuts Off Holy Water?

September 20, 2017: For centuries, free flowing water has not been a problem in Rome. Severe drought and extremely high temperatures have forced the city to consider water rationing and shutting down many of the ancient free flowing aqueducts and fountains — including the Vatican where more than 100 fountains have already been shut off — many in St. Peter’s Square. Future visitors to the popular Italian city and Vatican may need to bring their Holy Water from home!

More Top Places to Travel This Year!

September 15, 2017: Here’s where National Geographic says travel is best this year:

  • Kauai: great outdoor experiences and adventures.
  • Finland: Already a TC favorite — don’t miss the country’s 100 year independence celebrations and outdoor wilderness activities.
  • Baja California: Experience close encounters swimming with marine life and whale watching.
  • Moscow, Russia: Lots of history, art and “retro” Russian history.
  • Madrid: Museums, night life that runs until the sun comes up and a lively art scene.
  • Prince Edward Island, Canada: Red rocky sea shores and quaint fishing villages.

Star Wars Attraction to Land at Shopping Malls

September 13, 2017: Disney has announced plans to bring “immersive” Star Wars attractions to select shopping malls around the US. The new attraction, set first to open near Disneyland and Walt Disney World, will focus on a walk through virtual reality experience —where guests can engage and interact with each other and Star Wars character experiences. Look for the settings to include a large Disney retail merchandise “experience” as part of the adventure!!!

Go On — Hang Around in Your Tent?

September 11, 2017: Campers looking for a different way to sleep under the stars are now dangling between trees on hybrid hammock style tents — from 10 to 100 feet off the ground. These gravity-defying devices, a little tricky to set up, can hold up to 3 campers “somewhat comfortably” — with some tents costing more than $1,000. Not sure how suited this off ground style camp sleeping is for sleep walkers?

Traveling + Walking + Texting Don’t Mix

September 8, 2017: Do you text while you walk? Well, deadly accidents involving pedestrians who do have gone up more than 22% in the last 2 years. A recent survey noted that more than 50% of the respondents admitted using their phone to talk, text or read while on foot. Studies show we all aren’t really as good as we think we are when multitasking with our phones — and, who has more to lose in a collision between a car and a walker?

Head for Japan if you like Flavored Kit Kats

September 6, 2017: Wasabi, green tea and sake aren’t just food and drink in Japan — they’re just some of the new Kit Kat flavors offered in the country. The Japanese love their Kit Kats and offer more than 300 flavors — with new offerings that include custard pudding and ginger. Candy consumption has tripled in Japan over the past 4 years with a second Kit Kat factory on the way!

Want to Play Swamp Soccer? Head to Finland

September 1, 2017: Several thousand locals and visitors trudged into Finish backwoods recently to watch the world champion Swamp Soccer Games. Other innovative Finish events include: The Mobile Phone Tossing World Championships, World Berry Picking Competition and Hobby Horse Races — the “hot” new event added to the schedule for next year — The Wife Carrying Races — winners receive their wife’s weight in beer or vodka! The Fins do make the most of their 2 months of sun each year!!!

Fresh Oysters from a Vending Machine? Only in France

August 30, 2017: Yup — the French have come up with an innovative way to get their daily intake of fresh oysters — from a vending machine. Several “Oysters On The Run” machines are currently being tested in Paris and seem to be very popular. Other innovative vending machines, especially popular in the US, dispense hot french fries and — the most popular, especially at airports — fresh flowers! Oysters On The Run, the ultimate dine and go!!!