August 28, 2017: Indoor pools and track, high end spa, cardio-joggers, catered meals — all this and much more — for your pets to enjoy a holiday while you travel. Amenities can be added a la carte too — like water work outs, lap swims, field play, snuggles and massages. Costs range from $350 to $1500 or more a NIGHT — if your pet has trouble sleeping for another $200 plus, an attendant will sleep with your pet. Only thing missing is a doggie martini!!!
Chocolate Chip Cookie Turns 79
August 25, 2017: The ultimate in comfort foods — a warm, soft, tasty, chocolate chip cookie is 79 years old this year. In 1938, the owner of the Toll House restaurant in Whitman, Mass, accidentally added a cup of chocolate chips to the cookies she was baking to serve with ice cream — she called her creation a Toll House cookie. One year later she sold the Toll House name to Nestle for $1 cash. The cookie creation survived the Great Depression, a couple of wars and even space exploration to become something special in American lifestyle and taste!
The Ultimate Illegal Outdoor Adventure?
August 23, 2017: If are looking for the “ultimate” outdoor adventure — and the adventure being illegal doesn’t bother you — then “tomb robbing” in China might be something to consider? The demand for ancient Chinese artifacts has revived this dangerous but lucrative activity — some newly found “treasurers” — like a chariot discovered in a grave in Henan Province — selling for several million dollars. Beware — this “pop culture” adventure can be dangerous and your competition might be experienced professionals who don’t take kindly to amateur adventure tourists!
Corpse Hotels on the Rise in Japan
August 21, 2017: Many cities in Japan now promote “the all in one destination funeral” — guest hotel rooms and viewing rooms across the hall for the featured deceased guest. Some of the viewing rooms even have climate controlled coffins for the newly departed — sometimes resting for days before their appointment for cremation — Tokyo, a city with 26,000,000, has only 26 crematories so waiting times can be lengthy. The average cost for a normal funeral in Japan can be nearly US$20,000 — hotel and viewing room costs less than US$2,000. Some family even chose to spend one night sleeping in the room with the corpse — now that’s togetherness!!!
Cool New Hot Spot In Rome?
August 18, 2017: What better way to cool of in Rome’s stifling heat than a dip in world famous Trevi Fountain! It seems both tourists and locals — both referred to as “the new barbarians of Rome” have taken to cooling off in the fountain. Fines start at US $500 but are more for skinny-dippers. Police stand guard but difficult to monitor and catch with as many as 50,000 people in and around the Trevi Fountain area daily!
When Slurpees Fly?
August 16, 2017: Can’t be without your 7-Eleven fix when you travel — or even at home? Well, the 7-Eleven Group — with 60,000 stores in 18 countries worldwide — is testing drone delivery for their most popular products. The selection offered favors 7-Eleven “select private label” items like coffee, pizza, donuts, flu-relief meds and their ever popular Slurpees — which of course are drone delivered in their own insulated box. Now when you travel you not only have to watch out overhead for pigeons but 7-Eleven Slurpee packed drones as well!
TSA Hooks 20 Pound Live Lobster
August 14, 2017: Dinnah, a live 20+ lb fresh lobster, was stopped recently at Logan Airport in Boston on the way to be served for dinner in Savannah, Georgia. Dinnah, packed, labeled, and in its own special insulated container, was held up for additional security TSA performs on checked baggage — nothing illegal about shipping a lobster and all the documentation was in order — TSA agents just decided they wanted their picture taken with the overweight ocean celebrity.
Nap Bars Sleepy New Airport Trend
August 11, 2017: Nap bars— offering travelers a place and bed at the airport for a quick nap break — are the newest trend to reduce airport hassle. Operated by “SIESTA & GO”, the group now has Nap Bars — simple single or double space mini bedrooms — in airports in London, Spain, Japan and Dubai — with plans to expand into the US. The cost is around $20 an hour and includes a “gentle wake up” from one of the staff. Looks like the Nap Bar idea will soon be moving into major city downtown business areas where overworked staff can run off for a quick sleepy break!
Travelers Beware Flying Horizon Air?
August 9, 2017: Horizon Air, the successful regional child for the Alaska Air Group, is having some real growing “turbulence” when it comes to adding new pilots to their expanding schedule. Horizon is planning to cancel 6% of their schedule — 300 plus flights — starting in August—and it could get worse! Horizon is one of the better regional players these days when it comes to service, price and “sometimes” performance. No telling how long this will go on???
US Air Travel Close to Capacity
US Air Travel Close to Capacity
August 7, 2017: With 24,000 daily commercial flights in the US, air travel traffic is very close to capacity. In 2016 over 719 million people traveled by air in the US. And a recent air traveler survey showed that most people are happy travelers these days — REALLY?