November 23, 2016: Although its hard to find many camels inside the Dubai city limits anymore, you can find a store in the Mall of Dubai (worlds largest indoor shopping mall) that features everything camel.
World’s Tallest Building Towers Over Dubai
November 21, 2016: BURJ KHALIFA, defines the Dubai skyline to the world. The world’s highest observation deck, at 148 floors (and that’s not even the top), is reached on the world’s longest travel distance elevators. The building includes offices, a very upscale and expensive Armani Hotel, residence living — one residence takes up and entire floor — restaurants and a night club. Below the Burj Khalifa, sits the world’s largest shopping mall with over 1000 stores.
Even Room For Smoking at Frankfurt Airport
November 18, 2016: Yes, a private airport lounge for travelers who can’t give up smoking. And, the folks at Camel seem to have found a way to add some color to their special smoking hideaway!
Why Can’t We Have Proper Airports in the US?
November 17, 2016: It seems the folks in Europe have figured out how to build proper “passenger friendly” airports. Like Frankfurt — with plenty of easy shopping, restaurants, places to enjoy German beer and wide walkways. But thankfully Trump is going to make our airports great again! We haven’t seen a timeline yet, but have to assume it will be within the next four years.
Service Dogs Get Airport Facilities Too!
Moving to Canada?
November 15, 2016: The Canadian Immigration web site has received so much traffic since the US Presidential election last week that it has “crashed” numerous times. Much easier to visit Canada than try and move there!