
US carriers report BIG LOSS for first 3 months of 2021?

For the first 3 months of the year:

United says $1.4 BILLION

American says they lost $1.3 BILLION

Delta says $1.2 BILLION

on the plus ++++ side, Southwest says they made $116 million — airlines received $54 BILLION last year in Federal Government grants to help pay workers and another $25 BILLION is Government loans — with leisure travel picking up for summer months MAYBE a bright spot here and there??? 

Car rental charges continue to hit sky high prices!

Car rental pricing — supply (most rental car groups got rid of huge over stocked inventories and did not purchase new models during the Pandemic) …AND, now that many  travel restrictions have been lifted — demand definitely is UP UP UP for rental cars! Not sure there is a “short term alternative” for some location prices that can exceed $600 a day — bad news for travelers but maybe good news for UBER???

Want to be an airline pilot? It will cost you a minimum of $75,000 to join Avatar Airlines?

They are currently looking for 747-400 Type Rated pilots with a minimum of 10,000 flight hours. This would require a USA FAA issued Airline Transport Pilot certificate, Class I Medical certificate, and legal status to work in the USA (citizen, work visa, etc). Those with similar aircraft experience will likely be considered for copilot positions to begin.

Please note: in addition to the above requirements, you are required to invest in Avatar Airlines under the terms of its private equity offering…and invest a minimum of $75,000 (recommended at $150,000). Your seniority number will be based on the date your investment funds are received.