
OOPS — Boeing Admits Current Fleet of 737’S Has Problems?

Forget Boeing’s problem-plagued 737 Max — the airline’s current world wide fleet of various 737 models, some part of the 2000 planes that have been grounded the past few months by reduced COVID travel — those now back flying are having some BIG issues — like engines just shutting down with no advance warning?  Most engine shutdowns have occurred on the ground during pre-flight run up or taxi — and can be traced to planes that were grounded for more than a month during reduced flying schedules.  Maybe some additional WD40 on these engines is needed?

American Dumping Flight Attendants?

YUP — looks like American, with cuts backs in service this year and forecast for 2021, will have more flight attendant layoffs on their flight plans. The airline currently has more the 40,000 flight attendants — about 20,000 more than they need to support upcoming reduced flight schedules — layoffs will be by furloughs or retirement — some attendant staff left — around 20,000 —might have as much as 35 years seniority and will only be able to hold “reserve status”! Don’t look for many smiles from flight attendants onboard AA flights in the coming months!!!

UAE Offers COVID Incentives For Travelers?

The “tiny” oil and natural gas filled United Arab Emirates says “WELCOME” to travelers from anywhere — and as an incentive that will pay your mandatory quarantine expenses — including hotels and food — for 7-14 days! It’s like “travel insurance plus” to get folks back to Abu Dhabi and Dubai for all that shopping, dining, desert camel rides and lounging on the beach — with summertime highs exceeding 120 degrees — but you can find shade at the pool or oceanside bars!!!

WHAT — American Airlines says All Weekend Flights are FULL?

Yup — AA says all weekend flights — from their major US hubs to Cancun are full? Seems many US residents & families are “breaking out” of town and COVID-19 restrictions and taking off for Mexico. Not sure how smart that is and Mexico, with lax COVID restrictionsand high counts of COVID infections, would be the crowded place to holiday and social distance these days? A few European destinations are also opening up — but not easy for US travelers to fly to these days!!!

ALASKA —Once a High-Flying TC Favorite— Now a Penny Pincher??

Shame on my once favorite air carrier — one of the first to boast about really cleaning up their aircraft and keeping middle seats open — now wants to give you an entire row – but charge fees + taxes for the open seats?  Fees — what’s that about?  Come on — most planes are flying less than half full — thanks for nothing — shame on you ALASKA!!!

Say So Long to Airport Spas

Yup — this on airport luxury, gaining popularity the last few years, is going, going – gone! And more than likely turned into an upscale retail location — thank you COVID-19!! And airport travelers expect to spend a longer time at airports getting through not only security checks but health checks too. You might even be required to carry a health passport with additional support documentation — it’s in the works folks!!!