
Congrats to LAX?

October 1, 2018: Los Angeles International Airport has been selected as one of the worst airports in the USA — only one ranking above Newark International Airport— the worst airport in the country! LAX is consistently under construction, confusing, lacks adequate gate and seating space — and drop off and arrival traffic a war zone— and its going to get worse with most airlines adding more service— be prepared to be frustrated!!!

Who is Really Bad at Keeping Track of Your Checked Bag?

September 27, 2018: American departures from “always foggy or delayed” SFO has the worst baggage record! System wide, your best bet for arriving at your destination with your luggage is to travel on Delta, Spirit or Jet Blue. The odds are in your favor — over 90% that you and your bag arrive at the same destination airport you do — and at the same time!!!

Resort Fees Hit New Highs

September 26, 2018: The dreaded resort fee — paying for things you expect to be part of your daily room charge — are reaching new $$ highs around the US. Miami leads the way with one hotel’s daily resort fee now topping $160 A DAY — in Orlando, daily resort fees can be in excess of $80 — watch out for more of the same in Las Vegas, New York and Honolulu. Protest these fees when you check out — many times you can get them reduced or removed — don’t be bashful!

New Hot Spot for Bugs and Germs When You Travel

September 24, 2018: Airport security is in place to protect you — but might also make you sick? Where are the most germs looking for you at the airport — the heavily used and reused plastic trays used to collect laptops, shoes, coats, handbags, what ever as you pass through security check points — WORLDWIDE!  These trays are “supposedly” scheduled for steam cleaning several times a year — but who’s keeping track? More than half of the luggage trays checked were found to have some type of virus — more than airport toilet seats.

Pepper Spray Implodes on Hawaiian Air Flight from Oakland

September 21, 2018: A dozen passengers and 3 flight crew members found out what it was like to be pepper sprayed — a passenger carrying a can accidentally set it off during a recent flight from Oakland to Maui — the can discharged about 3 hours into the flight — the pepper spray somehow got through TSA and made it onto the flight. It’s illegal to bring pepper spray on flights — probably didn’t do much for the inflight meal either?

Retail Finds a New Home — US Airports

September 20, 2018: With more people traveling these days — and travelers needing more time at airports — upscale retailers are looking at this captive audience as a new market — a new survey showing travelers airport retail spending up more than 30%!  US airports are still a long ways away from what European and Asian airports have done to enhance both the travel and retail-dining airport experience — and are doing more to make more of your travel dollars even before you board the plane!

Starbucks Hits Italy — Do They Really Need Another Coffee Shop? Especially from America?

September 19, 2018: A Starbucks Reserve Roastery (fancy name that offers the opportunity to watch coffee being roasted — and charge more) opened recently in Milan — and quickly became a “must see and experience” for Italians and tourists alike. The 30,000 sq.ft. US coffee emporium has numerous coffee stations — customers are given a physical map to guide them through the shop and more than 115 beverage selections. A simple cup of java will cost you about $6 US — with lines and service taking about an hour. Wonder if they’ll be serving their popular seasonal pumpkin spice latte?

Starbucks Roastery photographed on March 10, 2016. (Joshua Trujillo, Starbucks)